Tuesday, June 30, 2009
birthday wishlist ^_^
it signals the end of the 1st part of the year
and another, a new age again for me^_^
time flew so fast that in hours time, goodbye 2-6 and hello 2-7...well, a birthday for me is a day to be excited like a kid nd not be ashamed to change the age...it's just numbers anyway...
and just like anyone who celebrates birthdays, what's in for my wishlist??? hmm...
1. another statement shirt...hopefully a "3 stars and a sun" or a "team manila" statement shirt...
2. a new Fossil watch and a pair of leather boots [well, no connection to each other ha^_^]
3. a left-handed guitar
4. 1 year of free coffee at Starbucks...frapp will do [haha...asa pa tayong mangyayari yan???]
5. touch-screen cellphone
6. the Casa Armas date [with rhea and rayme] and... a promised...
7. David Archie's 2nd album nd be his back-up vocals...LOL =)
8. the Invisible Children bracelet...waaah-_-'
9. meet my new found friends from twitter...hellloooooo ^_^
10. more places to travel... [seriously, i want that =)]
11. get my dream job [ah...ehem...secret^_^]
12. to finally meet the "who do i wanna meet" on my friendster acct...[haha...u can check my account to find out...haha]
13. a sick-free year [after i get rid of my current colds and cough dilemma]
14. and a better 2nd half of 2009 for me and my family...[now this one's badly needed...]
there's so much i could add up to my wishlist...but i guess whether they come to reality or not, a wishlist is a wishlist...it's for free and anyone's entitled to it ^_^
happy 2nd half of 2009 to all of us^_^
ps. any suggestions to add up for my wishlist...most welcome...haha ^_^
Friday, June 26, 2009
the world stopped and united in mourning...
being an 80's child [born in the 80's that is...], these two people are common names in the household...and now that they both passed away on the same day, the world is one in grieving for their plight to death...

and just hours later, one of the biggest influences in the music industry is already in his journey to our Lord...most singers at present consider him to be one of their idols and influences in their craft in music...
his music and physical transformations [let's not forget that] were part of my lifetime...i was growing up with his music too...he had tons of hits and there was no decade during his lifetime that his songs were not loved and touched many...
P.Y.T, Beat It, Billie Jean, Man in the Mirror, Black and White -- these are the songs i've liked through the years...there's so much more for the millions who admired and lived thru his music...he also inspired a lot of artists today to perform with so much energy during concerts and inspired them to help in the needing parts of society...
a lot of sadness actually on twitter right now for this awesome man...even this guy over here...
a very familiar icon...Michael Jackson...who died of cardiac arrest in LA...

and today, the world for some strange reason stopped...the world suddenly unites in mourning...and for sure it'll be for the longest time...but his music will always be instilled, passed on and relived...
the awful truth is this...we keep saying good things to those who already pass away when we could have done or returned the good deeds they had contributed to our lives...no matter if they might have offended us even, we should rather look at the good points of a person rather than curse them for the longest time for what might have been a single mistake against us...
another awful truth, no offense to some musicians/singers, some keep saying MJ has been their influence in music but in reality i can't even see a thing or two in their music...where was MJ in your music???...i hope now that he is dead, his name wouldn't be pulled to get their fame whereas MJ was never a part of their music...just plain honesty over here^_^
the world mourns for the loss of the King of Pop and a Charlie's Angel...but their memories and contributions to the industry will always be there...May they both rest in peace and for sure, they are in a much better place now...God bless their souls..
for us living, they have been and will always be a part of us...and after this, it's all back to business...good business i hope^_^
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
what i learned from my dad? [post-Father's day blog]
so i just thought of making my own list too like the one posted on the Phil. Daily Inquirer last Sunday [june 21, 2009]...
what did i learn from my father???
1. EAT AND LIVE HEALTHY --- my dad has been our influence in a lot of ways to live longer...eat fruits, veggies and fish [which i can tolerate for days]...drink tea...do some long walks or exercise in the morning...no to smoking [because he quit smoking when i was 6 years old]...get a medical check-up with the doctor when symptoms persist...
2. POVERTY ISN'T A HINDRANCE TO EDUCATION --- and truly i say to you...it is not!!!...my dad grew up being a working student just to sustain his education...utilized his knowledge in chess and became a college varsity player to finish college...he kept telling us these stories when we were kids and he was never ashamed to tell these...not to for us to feel pity but to realize that having no allowance should not stop anyone to continue studying and be successful...
3. THERE IS NO YOUNG OR OLD AGE TO DO SOMETHING NEW -- my dad's love for cartoons esp. the Disney stuff and playing computer games and cooking as a new hobby [at the age of 50-something] are just examples that i will keep in mind as i get older...
5. BEING GOOD IN WRITING AND SPEAKING IN ENGLISH BUILDS BRIDGES -- English is one of the universal languages...ever since i was a child, my dad never gave up in teaching me to be fluent in English...i stopped during my elementary years because my classmates would tease me of being a nerd or a spoiled brat every time i spoke in English...but as i grew older, the language lead to one of my passions in life - writing...not only that, being in another country, English helps =)
6. BETTER BE THE BOSS OF YOUR OWN BUSINESS THAN A SIMPLE WORKER -- well, this i have to work on thru time definitely...my dad kept encouraging us to put up our own businesses soon...and from the many testimonies i've heard of taking preferences to have a business than just be an employee, i shall be heading on to that soon enough...
and lastly, the poem i've heard from my dad for ages...as in ages...and this never fails...i may have forgotten a few lines from it, but this poem will really remind me of him for the rest of my life...
8. DESIDERATA by Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
they are vexations to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain and bitter;
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals;
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself.
Especially, do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love;
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be,
and whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful.
Strive to be happy.
it may be belated...but still...Happy Father's Day to all the awesome hardworking and disciplinarians all over the world...a big shoutout to my Father...i may not be expressive but my love and prayers will always be for his best and my family...
Monday, June 22, 2009
there's excitement now...
1. before the holidays, i got my 1st early birthday gift...i've been reading tweets about David Archuleta's FanPack EP via iTunes...ok call me jurassic but because of this i learned to start using iTunes for my p.c here at work...haha...but thanks to the awesome peeps of OneDavidNet i got the FanPack and have been playing the song Zero Gravity for the nth time already [on earphones so no worries in bothering other peeps]^_^
2. the Phil. Independence holidays gave me time to workout in the gym and get my well-deserved space -- space to read my early birthday gift for myself
i've been reading this a couple of times already...just can't help it sorry...thanks also to ArchuletaPhilippines who became the access for me to get the magazine ^_^
3. for the past two months, i've been suuuupeerrrr as in ssuuuuperrrr addicted to this website that most are now aware of [i hope]...Twitter!!!...the addiction is actually getting in my nerves that i've been telling myself lately to minimize it, but at the moment, i still don't know how...it kills an ample amount here at work and drains my cellphone load as i mobile tweet every night...haha...PEEPS PLS DONT EMULATE ME FOR THAT MATTER!!! ^_^
but in a way, Twitter made me aware of what celebrities do in their everyday situations, making me realize that they are ordinary people too...and true enough, we don't actually know them no matter what we say that we know these celebrities by heart...and above all, i get to meet awesome peeps no matter where they are...even if they are from other parts of the globe...
4. for weeks, i've been worrying some stuff about my soon to be trip next month [ah eh carla, that's in 2weeks to be exact]...thank God, i know God has been giving awesome ways for this to prosper...i just feel easily disappointed...sheesh, the impatient that i am at times-_-'
now, the e-tickets are ok...the place where i'll be staying is reserved...the financial stuff are ok as well...so i guess i have to bring out the excitement in me, that is the only thing left...
me and my family are going thru some tough times lately...some wouldn't notice that cause maybe it doesn't show on my end...but i know this is just a phase, we've been through this so many times and we've survived in ways i never imagined cause God never left us...He is always with me and my family...so despite what we're going thru at the moment, there are still reasons to be happy and excited...and as i turn another year older, 8 days from now, i just have to be like how i celebrate it every year...EXCITED!!! ^_^
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Fortunate Pinay and proud ^_^
We are fortunate, present peeps, that we did not go thru that ordeal. Fortunate, that we are just savoring the fruits of our ancestors' sacrifices. I remember years back, my grandfather -- who was a Philippine veteran of WWII -- and my grandmother would keep telling stories on how they were living and surviving during World War II. They kept saying that they just hope me and my children won't experience what they had just to get a taste of freedom...
Today, myself included, we fail sometimes to realize the essence of this very important day for all of us Filipinos. We wouldn't experience freedom if it wasn't for the people of the past who gave up everything even their own lives. I don't want to be a hypocrite and say let's get out in the streets on June 12 and participate in the events, because I for one would most likely just stay at home. What I could say though is that the way to celebrate our independence doesn't start and end on June 12. I don't think it is necessary for me to elaborate what are the ways to be nationalistic and patriotic, because the ways I'm sure are endless.
We are fortunate that now there are a lot of concerned Filipinos who share their time, talents and treasures to make a difference in our country. There are advocates and organizations where one can join and as they say, pay it forward. From the bloods and tears shed by our ancestors in the past, it is just but right that we give something back to make the Philippines a better place and Filipinos live better. Well, I guess it's high time that I should be involved too and not just a mere spectator...
During my teens, I was so pessimistic about what our country is ending up to be but I never saw it coming that years ahead positive changes can still prevail. Now, I am thankful and blessed to be living in the Pearl of the Orient -- a place where it only has two seasons, a place that has lots of beaches to go to, within a city where most foreign [old and current] acts have their concerts and enjoy their stay, a place where texting is a necessity besides food and clothes, a place where I could freely exercise my faith and my freedom...
Above all, I am fortunate for three reasons: this country gave me a heritage, a nationality and a place I can proudly call HOME...just so proud now to be Pinay =)
Happy 111th Philippine Independence Day to all of us!!! Cheers and enjoy the long weekend [for those who are working that is =)]