Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I submitted an audition video for HPSpace -- a reality contest in Singapore...I won't elaborate it further...
For those who have email addresses, pls sign up on the website www.hpspace.com and search my audition video by typing my name --- Carla Charisse. Pls view and rate my video...and spread the word to your friends who have the time to use the internet...
I'm not good in video making because I just used my trusty cellphone to record a short clip. I just wanted to take the chances of joining. This is a very little favor, I hope you guys could help me -- especially, to my fellow Filipinos out there...
The deadline is on Oct 4, 2009 -- that's on Sunday...Getting to be picked as one of the finalists will be an absolutely big help for me already...At least for a try...
Thanks in advance guys and God bless =)
the aftermath...
As of today, Sept 29, 2009, a lot of organizations are still accepting donations and packing relief goods for the rest of our fellow Filipinos who are still in evacuation centers and flooded. The flooded areas have already subsided...and what's left...
ruined houses, houses and hard-earned owned materials with mud...
Just gonna leave here a few short messages about this...Honestly, I may not be deeply affected but I am saddened cause this was not an expected fate for our country...
1. To those who wanna help, try to check websites like abs-cbn.com and gmanews.tv for the list of organizations you could participate in to send donations or volunteer. You could also check superbianca.blogspot.com [blog site of Ms. Bianca Gonzales -- tv host personality] and @Magic899 [twitter of Magic 89.9 -- radio station here in Manila] for other list of groups. Twitter is also a great avenue right now to raise your concerns regarding info on ways to help.
2. Speaking of Twitter, I've read a few who are spreading tweets on how to help and sharing their sentiment...Of course our fellow Pinoy celebrities and to the ff: Demi Moore, Shontelle and Demi Lovato (cause these were the few I've seen...I'm sure there are more international artists tweeting about it)...Thank you =)
3. To those who were hit badly by the aftermath, I know I may not be one of those who could alleviate the pain but I'll keep you guys in my prayers that the country will be able to survive and continue to live one day at a time...
4. To my officemates, friends and loved ones, I hope you are all doing well now...I'm sure this incident isn't a good one and it's painful to see that you're hard-earned stuff are just washed away, but keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and in losing, we realize the bare essentials in life.
We'll all be well soon...Keep the faith everyone...
song for the day: Heal the World - Michael Jackson
Sunday, September 27, 2009
bittersweet and blessed...
Yesterday, Sept 25, 2009 was another tragic event that made the country united in efforts and in prayers...Typhoon "Ondoy" hit Luzon, went away now and obviously, left sooo many traces -- flooded areas, destroyed houses, homeless and evacuated people and deaths.
After the storm, I'm thankful that me and my family are intact. We just ended up having no electricity for one day and a few hours. As I went to church this afternoon, it made me even more thankful and blessed that our family was ok. Despite that, the pain is sinking in to me at the moment because the rest of the country -- those who were hit hard by the storm -- are still in the process of being saved.
Our country may have been left with bad traces, but this made us see that Filipinos can always come together and unite for their fellowmen. A lot are volunteering to rescue and donating material needs for those who badly need at the moment.
I won't prolong this further...I still feel that even if I'm ok now, I don't deserve to splurge so much at the moment...If you would like to help in the least possible way you can, you can check on these two websites how:
"Lord, thank You...and I pray for those who still need help right now, please keep them under the mantle of Your protection and love..."
Friday, September 25, 2009
all the while i thought im the only one...
Anyway, I don't know but I think God is really making little miracles for me not to give up...I came across this website that I've always wanted to submit an article on and then, I saw this post...Guys, read this until the end for you to completely understand...The writer and I have a few similarities on this story, but that's not exactly the point...Here it is...
Out of here
By Anna Veniza R. Arcilla
Philippine Daily Inquirer
First Posted 02:10:00 09/12/2009
Filed Under: Employment
Soon I will be leaving the company that has been my home for two years and nine months. The idea of leaving has been giving me nightmares, but I know this is what I really want.
When I first joined the company, I was an idealistic neophyte who believed that as long as I was doing my job, no problems would arise. I was happy with the company, and it became a second home for me. I gained friends and even won their respect and loyalty. I developed feelings for someone who turned out to be a womanizer (the feeling lasted for only one month), and now he is my ka tropa. I fell seriously for an IT guy with a wide forehead (who just got promoted recently), and now we are kind of “MU” (mutual understanding) after two years of waiting. And I was able to save enough money for some of my future plans.
Months passed. New people were hired, and trained. Some old co-workers got promoted and some left for reasons I could not comprehend at first.
Then it suddenly dawned on me that something was wrong with the situation. There were nice people who got promoted and began sprouting horns on their heads. There were others who were already bad even before they were hired and they were spreading discontent and havoc.I saw a couple of my fellow workers crying because a monster of a manager had screamed at them. Even as tears continued to flow from their swollen eyes, they were still checking documents and searching for errors, no matter how hard it was to focus on the computer screen.
I saw my pregnant friend crying because a satanic manager was cursing her online. Another friend was humiliated by a moody manager when she filed for a leave of absence.
I reacted violently when the company decided to increase our salaries based on our rating system. A nice manager had given a neophyte a grade of 4+ (even if he was still committing a lot of errors) while another manager gave an experienced worker a grade of 2 (even though she was one of the best employees). The neophyte received a P1,700 salary increase and the latter got a P300 increase. Was that fair?
I learned that when somebody got promoted, it meant he had stepped on someone else, like crabs in a basket. I also learned that an employee is only an employee, and no matter how long he has been in the company and how hard he has been working, he still remains just an employee—without a voice, without the right to talk or to question things, and with the duty to follow and act dumb.
I am not saying this because I feel bitter. Bitter over what? Because I have never been promoted even if I have put all my energies into my work? Because I sacrificed time for my family so I could render overtime work in compliance with orders of my superiors? When my mom died in a hospital, I didn’t know about it until my shift was over because we were not allowed to bring cell phones into the work area.
It is every worker’s dream to be promoted because it means receiving a salary higher as well as some perks and privileges. But in this company, I cannot even dream of being promoted because that won’t change anything. Instead it will give the people above you another excuse to bully you.
I know that I am sounding like a spoiled brat, sulking over things I cannot have. But sometimes you need to act like a brat so that you will get what you really want. And now all I want is a work place that will be a true second home for me.
So, I had this plan of leaving, and a plan to find a replacement. Then I told my boss that I was quitting.
Two of the best managers of our department talked to me and told me they were happy with my decision. They understood and they knew how I felt. They seemed actually to share my relief as I was telling them about my decision.
Friends are asking me what made me quit. I tell them there is life after work, and that I need my life back. I need to slow down and assess my life and feel free for a while. And my only regret is that I didn’t do it earlier. I’m not running from the things that make me apply excessive eye liner and eye shadow to express my anger, I just want to clear my mind and know who I really am.
Now I realize that working hard is not enough to make one happy on the job. Some things aren’t good as what we want to be. I know that by leaving, I can learn things other than what I know now. I am not dumb, and I don’t want to be forever following black witches’ orders.
I used to be a kind, soft-spoken girl with an understanding heart, but now I am completely the opposite. I came to the point of looking at life as if it’s a curse. I don’t want myself to continue hating life.
I want the old me but I want to bring with me the things I learned. This place has made me strong. It taught me to be thankful for living a simple life, simple yet happy. It also made me realize that I miss my family and friends.
My father told me that I should look for a new job where I can be happy and which will not take me far from them. He reminded me that they had taught me and my siblings to believe that simplicity spells happiness. Who am I to disagree?
When I go, I will be leaving behind the people who have been nice to me. But this is a small world and I know we will bump into each other again and again. And there is Facebook and Friendster to help us stay in touch. As for the IT guy, he will still be there, texting me every night.
(Anna Veniza R. Arcilla, 26, is a graduate of Jose Rizal University with a Bachelor of Commercial Science Major in Management degree.)
To my former officemates, I think you might have the idea about how is this article related to me...But to the rest of my readers, this is an eye-opener...On how you'll take this? Well, I just hope with an open mind and heart, as what I am doing at this present stage in my life.
source: inquirer.net
Saturday, September 19, 2009
David Archie's performance in the ALMA awards
Friday, September 18, 2009
i've grown up...
5 years back, I was just a newbie with months of experience from a call center company. I was adjusting my hours of sleep from making the day my sleeptime to getting back to the "normal" body clock. Confident answering calls but no need to speak in English -- all it takes is some bargaining and saying things properly. And there I was, a purchasing engineer who had dreams and goals to fulfill and challenges to surpass in the everyday grind.

I made friends through time who came and left as well, believing there are better things awaiting outside the four walls of this building. Friendships that developed through years of cranky jokes and serious talks of life's ordeals. Smiling and being happy accomplishing one task under pressure. Close to tears that was supposed to be shed because of the disappointments and mistakes that could have been avoided sometimes.
I used to be the nobody that they call the "newbie". Now, seeing me they would either exchange "hellos" "smiles" or short conversations. And from those, it ends up to bonding moments, whether because of a party or of talking over personal problems. I used to just sing in my workstation over songs that I hear from my computer or my mp3 player. Now, they would ask me every year if I am going to perform or if I would be practicing for a company event. I used to be the center of joke times until I became the one who would start up a joke towards another "forgetful" officemate or anyone I could start a punchline for a joke. I used to cry or shed a tear because of a simple reprimand or disappointment but now I learned that after a disappointment, you have to get up and get going. Receiving challenges were something that annoy me easily but now it's like a vitamin that I'd rather work on something than waste time and thinking of something to do. Challenges will always be there in life, but as my dad said, I must not give up.
If I would post all the things I learned from my 5 years of stay at this company, it would be boring for some to read. One thing certain, I learned a lot...I shall take them to the next destination of my life --- whichever road that would be...
Some people have been asking, "where are you heading after this resignation?". I got options actually. It's just how will I make them fruitful and where will I really end up. It a mixture of my effort, determination and faith plus God's grace and guidance.
To all my officemates, from the past and current, thank you for making my 5-year stay in Megaworld a memorable one. To those who became my friends are now part of my circle, the friendships will always be there and as I always say, distance and time ain't barriers anymore.
To the company, thank you for the opportunities and the challenges. It made me a better person from the "newbie" that I was 5 years ago. It made me stable and settled for the past 5 years and it saved me during the time I was looking for a new job.
Consummatum est... off to a new beginning...where would that be??? All I can say is I hope it is for the best...
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
first things first...
1. Clean the house and de-clutter...DEFINITELY!!!...
-- sad to say, I'm the only one working on that errand at home...tsktsk...
2. Throw away old, unnecessary stuff...and re-organize my files and my room...WHEW!!!
-- this will take more than a day...
3. Work on stuff that can make me earn a few for the time being...

7. Learn something new, creative stuff...HMMM, LETS KEEP OUR FINGERS CROSSED ON THIS...HAHA
8. Lastly, say my little prayers of thanksgiving and strength to keep going and move forward to better things in my so-called life...

song for the day: One Step at a Time - Jordin Sparks
Monday, September 14, 2009
it's all in New York...
MTV held it's Video Music Awards in New York...and amidst the glitter and cheers, a scene was caused by a singer named Kanye West to another singer named Taylor Swift...Take a close look...
And after that incident, it was a class act for Beyonce to do this and save Taylor...
On a lighter and better note, in the field of sports, here's a vid of David Archuleta performing "America the Beautiful" in the US Open Women's Finals.
That's all in New York, New York, New York...
**videos courtesy of You Tube**
Friday, September 11, 2009
don't stop...hold on...
when you feel that you have cried so much that your eyes are drying up...
when you feel that one loud and long scream is what you need to release the tensions inside your heart...
when you feel there's no detour in the road you're taking...
when you feel it's time to stop...
The past few weeks was the lowest period of my year. I know it's a breather that after 5 long years I'm taking my career path to a different direction. But, seeing that I might end up in limbo state -- not knowing where I'd head next or not having a new job yet to replace -- is really depressing. For some, it might not be a major problem. For some, the decision I made could be a mistake. But if this mistake will be a way for me to learn and stand up again, I'm taking the challenge...
All of a sudden, from all my depressions and stresses of where I'll be heading next, a stop to think and pray was all I needed to keep me going again. When I stopped and cried out my all in my room, that's when I realized there's still so much more awaiting for me. This financial-problem-phase will just be temporary. That's when the other options and little miracles came to me. My family who never stopped believing I could still get a better job this time kept telling me to keep going. My friends who never ceased to remind me that this is just temporary. They have been sending messages to me of support and of options what to do for the meantime, instead of giving me the blame.
Honestly, I don't need reprimands at the moment because I know where my fault line is already. I should have made this decision before and I should have not made a thing or two opportunities pass before...But read this, "THAT WAS BEFORE"...I'm in for the next stage of my life -- get a new job here in the country or abroad or better yet, make this small business work. I've had enough of the crying and the depression. The stress already made me physically sick -- SO THAT'S REALLY ENOUGH. I've put myself down, made mistake but now, I'm gonna keep going and aim to get to where I should be.
So to those who have or are still pessimistic like I was weeks ago, I can't be too prophetic here...Don't worry too much [my friends were right...]...And when you feel you're gonna breakdown into the bottomless pit, pray...PRAY HARDER...AND DON'T QUIT...
Let me leave this quotation that I've always kept in mind the moment I saw this in Nike store in Greenbelt [haha...just in case you are curious to check]
PS. Let me leave as well my song-slash-video for the weeks to come [in memories from the Archuleta and Cook Live in Manila]...I just can't help it cause it's still in my memory and I love this song...enjoy^_^
My Hands - David Archuleta
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
music bits and pieces...
Anyway, here's just some random news...
**Danny Gokey**
Finally, one of the the top4 Idols this American Idol Season 8, Danny Gokey, signed a record deal with 19records/RCA Nashville. His first album will be recorded in Nashville, Tennessee and the single will be released late this fall. The album will be released in March, 2010.

**Black Eyed Peas**
Over the weekend, it's all in the news that the Malaysian government has banned Muslims to go to the Black Eyed Peas concert set this Sept. 25 in KL. This is because the event will be sponsored by the Irish beer giant, Guinness, whereas alcohol consumption is prohibited in Malaysia. Non-Muslims can go according to the government's spokesperson.
No updates yet as to there were sudden changes regarding this order.
Well, when religion starts to set in, no Black Eyed Peas can even protest to that...It's all about respect...It's not something racial cause it was their government who set that rule...But, sometimes, don't we just wish that race, religion and cultures wouldn't be an issue in appreciating music and watching music artists...
**Backstreet Boys**
The boyband that made girls scream in the 90's -- the Backstreet Boys -- is set to release a new album on October 6 entitled, "This is Us". Minus Kevin in the group, their latest single is entitled "Straight from the Heart" and they are also planning tours again to promote the album.
They've visited the Philippines a couple of times already and being a teen in the 90's, BSB has been one of my absolute faves...I just hope this will add up to the mark they have already established in the music industry...
**David Archuleta**
Days ago, there was a post about what his line up for the Christmas album would be...Well, it has already been said to be just a rumor...Actually, he's been tweeting lately that he's doing recordings still to finish up the album...So peeps, just wait for it...David loves giving surprises really...haha...One thing certain that isn't a surprise, his Christmas album entitled "Christmas from the Heart" will be released on October 13 and can be pre-ordered in Amazon.com...

sources: usatoday.com; huffingtonpost.com; aceshowbiz.com; twitter.com
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
calai for a weekend^_^
Here in the Philippines, Christmas season starts in this month. For some strange reason, radio stations play a few Christmas songs already. Christmas decos will be in the streets and establishments in the weeks to come...
But since I don't feel that excited to celebrate it just yet, how was my long weekend??? Hmmm...
1. A lunch treat, text messages, attending the Mass and a surprise phone call I made for Nabil and Izza -- all on that Saturday. The phone call lasted for 7 minutes but it was a fun one. How I wish it could have been longer or how I wish it was more than a phone call...
2. Home errands, food craving and chats with friends on a Sunday...Having dinner and long talks with friends don't happen everyday, especially now.
First stop was a Mexican foodie at Mexicali. I've been missing to eat TACOS my love for quite sometime already...wooohooo...
Then, a sweet deal and more chats at Red Mango...and I must say, I love the place. It's all in the blogosphere on how people love to keep coming back here. They've got yogurts where you can choose your own toppings for it. They also got smoothies, waffles and coffee. Definitely, it's my new crave!!!

3. Well, for the NTH time, I've been telling myself I'm gonna watch the movie "UP"...and finally I did...It's not just a cartoon *kiddie-giddy* stuff. It's for all ages. It isn't just a movie about a house that was lifted by tons of balloons. It was more than that...It reminded me of my grandparents on how they loved each other. It's about loving others in general.
And another, one of the heads in making this movie was a Filipino...He was featured in the local news days ago...So, there's a dash of Pinoy pride in me that made me watch this movie...It's nice to know that there are Filipinos working in Pixar... *applause*applause* ^_^

And to cap off my night, I went to a parlor owned by one of my choirmates, Ate Rose. The place is called Zamyu...so if there are Pasiguenos reading this blog site, check out her parlor -- It's in Kapasigan...
After 48 years [hehe...not quite], I finally had my hair shorter...I used to have long hair for the past 5 years already. Sometimes, we try stick to what we have and are afraid to get out of our comfort zone simply because we are afraid of what we're gonna end up afterwards...This time around, I've been so negative lately, it's time I start making a change beginning with the way I look...It brings out a different feeling and the motivation starts to get going...AGAIN...Thanks to those who gave me good compliments for my new 'do...And don't worry, this will grow long again in time...For now, I'm just loving and embracing it...
**song for the day:::::> Jesus Take the Wheel -- Carrie Underwood / Danny Gokey ^_^**