Tuesday, October 14, 2008

anticipations ^_^

"ber" months are always the most anticipated months for many Filipinos...the "merriest" months in the year...no wonder Christmas season ain't just during December but from Sept to December...
but as for me there are more to anticipate at the moment...

1. high school musical 3 --> am not a big fan of it but definitely worth the wait after one of the worst movies i've seen just last week
2. james bond movie [sponsored by the company for the employees] --> besides the fact that it's for free, i'll be in good company

3. rihanna - chris brown concert @ fort boni open field --> a bit pricey compared to the alicia keys concert...and i'm not exactly a big fan of the two, but i would certainly be able to sing out a few of their songs -- make sure lang to bring an umbrella--ella--ella-ei =)

wuhooo...cant wait...but for now...there's one thing i'm certainly anticipating cause it's certainly gonna come...

PAYDAY tomorrow....hehe =)

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