what's it like to be in high heels???...what's it like to act more than just a woman in every aspect???...
i didn't grew up being too girly even if my mom was the "muse" type of gal...she's got high heels on the shoe rack but i don't use them much...i'm only pressured to do so during special occassions when i'm wearing a dress...most of the time i'm on my flats or flipflops...
during the National Bookstore's Booksale just recently, i looked for a book to buy and i came across this one...i've already read a review about this from a fashion mag so i thought of buying it to give it a shot...
HOW TO's of anything for a girl -- from how to exactly wear and walk in high heels, to learning eating alone in a resto [which i do at times^_^], to sewing stuff and decorating a Christmas tree, to mending a broken heart...it's really a must have book for every girl...although some of the detailed stuff are based in UK ways of living, still women like me would be able to relate...
there are actually follow-ups already of this book, but for now, i'm just savoring it...hopefully, when i've got girls of my own, i'll let them know about this...slowly but surely, i'm working on them, my way at my pace -- one by one...
a book worth purchased...^_^
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