Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
congrats to MPC and PCC children's choir ^_^
Music and Praise Chorale won 2nd place with a whopping Php50,000...wuhoo!!!
congrats guys!!!!...the hard work, sleep-less nights were all worth it...you deserve the credits...
congrats to bro. bert edades...malupet po talaga ang talent nyo...HATS OFF!!!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
confirmed...it was really him
and without wasting time, we headed home after dinner and a walk at Boni High Street to watch the Survivor Philippines - Finale...at for blogger-fanatics, no wonder who won last night with 3 million pesos...

well...yes...it was him...the rumors on the internet were true enough...some people are just covering up the real deal...
oh well...LESSON OF THE STORY: Winners should really be kept safe until the real score comes out...In layman's term, keep the secret until time requires it to do so...So that reality shows will provide excitement till the end and not by saying "ah ok...sya nga tlga ang nanalo"...
but then again, congrats to JC Tiuseco...one lucky guy!!!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
one more to go...
to Music and Praise Chorale, from Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Pasig City...
one BIG CONGRATS!!!...
for winning the semi's of the Himig ng Pasko 2008 held at Star City last night...
one step to go --- Grand Finals on Saturday at 6:00pm, same venue...
still...one BIG GOOD LUCK!!!...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
in triumph and in sorrow...
Monday, December 8, 2008
calai's Christmas wish list

Saturday, November 29, 2008
whew...relief ^_^
** after being sent for repair for a week, after being useless for a month as fell on the grounds of KL...now it's back...picture picture na ulet...yipeeee^_^
2. no workday on Monday...
** nov 30 is boni day which will fall on a Sunday...so dec 1 was considered a special holiday...extended sleep day...yeeeheeey^_^
3. when i get back to work on Tuesday...
** IT's DECEMBER ALREADY!!!!...despite the crises, Christmas and New Year is non-refundable...hehe...so happy happy holidays to go...^_^
and December signals more holidays to rest...YES!!!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
himig ng pasko
Hearts of Jesus and Mary Parish in West Triangle and the Lady of Pentecost Parish near Katipunan Ave., QC.Since its inception in 2003, the University of Makati Chorale has been propelled by a mission to respond to the cultural aspirations of Makati as its official ambassadors of goodwill. It is currently under the baton of Elsie Eranista.Coro de San Gabriel, conducted by Ronnel Calabon, is composed of award-winning soloists from six different barangays under the parish of San Gabriel the Archangel in San Pablo, Laguna.
Music and Praise Chorale, under the baton of Bro. Bert Edades, serves the Immaculate Conception Cathedral, and has been inducted into the Hall of Fame of Paskong Himig sa Pasig for winning four consecutive times. Musicainta is a mixed chamber choir from the Our Lady of Light Parish in barangay San Andres, Cainta, Rizal. It was established in 2006 by Leo Landicho.In 1986, two distinct choirs of the Immaculate Conception Parish in Marikina merged, marking the birth of Genesis Choir. Conducted by Van Lawrence Virto, the group has been serving the church for the past 22 years.
Kammerchor Manila was formed in 1992 by alumni of the renowned UST Singers. The choir served at the Shrine of Mary,
Our Lady Queen of Peace for more than a decade. Ronald Abarquez conducts the group.Coro de Manila, under the baton of Michael dela Peña, is composed of alumni of the Ramon Magsaysay High School Chorale-Manila.The OMPHP Youth Ensemble of Bauan, Batangas, consists of young choristers from Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish in Aplaya, with conductor Aurelio ‘Bobet’ Manalo Jr.
The grand prize winner will receive P100,000. For enquiries call 832.6125 or email siarcega@mbcradio.net
Friday, November 21, 2008
2009 planner
Thursday, November 20, 2008
the brand that Plains and Prints carries is a very familiar brand in Europe called S.T.A.M.P.S -- it looks similarly like the stamps we place for air mails...it comes in different cute designs that will suit any kind of personality one has...plus the bracelets and the watches themselves can be interchanged...plus, it can also be attached to a strap and just let it hang out like a necklace or for a belt...
the one i bought was the one with a design called Geisha...you could check out their other designs at their website... --- www.stamps.eu
this costs around Php 2000+ and has two years warranty which could be seen at any Plains and Prints branch...so much for the promotion...
just excited to share my new watch...yippeee =)
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
it's like i waited my whole life...
some photos (c/o hazel's digicam):
Thursday, November 6, 2008
frapp addict @ it's "ACTIVE" stage^_^
Thursday, October 30, 2008
truly asia^_^
1. extending arms behind Petronas Towers
3. shopped souvenirs / pasalubongs at Jalan Petaling
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
well, i know that i'm not rich enough to just splurge on designer stuff, that's why "SALE" could possibly be a good thing...
but there are just some reasons that make me think, "to SALE" or "not to SALE"...^_^
1. heavy flow of traffic [needless to explain...]
2. long queues in fx terminal [another needless to explain...]
--- makes you end up getting a cab
3. congested parking spaces and hardheaded vehicle owners [should i say more?^_^]
4. less ventilation inside the malls
5. sometimes, you end up buying "NOT EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT"...
--- especially, if you ended up shopping on the last day, you just get the leftovers...
6. there are LONG LINES EVERYWHERE [may it be in the fastfood stores or in the boutiques...]
7. impatient customers [due to the congestion experienced...]
8. kids getting lost [and even parents lost in sanity^_^]
9. eating meals late [ehem...madami ngang tao eh...^_^]
10. family affairs [some bring their entire clan even the ones in wheelchairs just to shop...]
11. leg pains [for walking around and so for standing long enough...]
12. pickpockets and other criminals on the loose
13. some stores don't exactly have their ITEMS ON SALE...[SOME just tag them as sale or slash prices...NOT ALL OF THEM OK???]
14. the clothes you bought from them would look exactly like the rest...
--- well, they sell those that are "LESS SELLABLE" in the market...since, the new collections will be displayed after
the sale season, you end dressing up just like the same as those who bought that day...[yaikss...unless you would
want to be a clone of someone 'ayt??!!]
END RESULT: penniless, stressed...
i know some would disagree because some benefit from this endeavor, especially if they anticipated this season to buy what they really want to have...
for those who were able to buy what they really wanted...WELL DONE
i'm not discouraging people to go for "SALE"-stuff, cause it is always better to spend less for something than to buy expensive stuff...
i just want to point out these:
ehem...i guess i'm just "SALE-PHOBIC"
Monday, October 20, 2008
w.a.w --- what a weekend
Friday, October 17, 2008
more to save, less to crave
there's no other way but to face this "crisis"...but at the moment, i know i've got to save more than spend more...and as i'm blogging my way here, i just thought of my ways to spend less than the usual...for the rainy days -_-* [they might be a thing or two handy for anyone...]
---- for meatlovers, this ain't for you...but actually veggies are less pricey [except if you'll buy the imported kind of veggies] than ALWAYS eating meat [whether you may be buying for home consumption or for your lunch in the office]...less cost to prepare the food plus it's good for the body
---- chips or chocolates for snacks are really costly than bread, plus to mention that chips aren't good due to artificial flavors in them
---- well, a small sachet of powdered iced tea is just 10-15 pesos which can be used for at least 5-6 glasses while the bottled ones cost already 20-30 pesos depending on the brand of the iced tea...or as an alternative, just have bottled water instead...
---- i do this in the office, but everywhere there's paper right??? if it's only going to be used for scribbling notes or doodling or printing something that ain't for a very important presentation, better use the other side of your printed papers...you don't just save money in buying notebooks / pad papers, you also contribute in saving for the environment...
---- ok, it's a matter of common sense that you won't do this if you're from Pasig going to Makati...if you're just going to nearby places, like in my case, i live near the church, instead of riding a tricycle, i'd rather walk...but hey, never forget to put into consideration, how safe and around what time should you only walk in the area you're going to...SAFETY FIRST!!!
---- well, well, well, for us women, i'm pretty sure the shopaholics will always make a good excuse to shop [e.g your pets' birthday, your breakup anniv from your exes, nd so much more...]...what i'm saying is BUY WHAT YOU REALLY JUST NEED...do u really need to buy a new pair of "Guess" jeans when you actually have a good pair of less expensive local jeans???...well, frankly speaking, the last time i bought a pair of jeans was on my birthday month as a birthday gift for myself...although i do wear jeans at the office [kase pasaway lang tlga], i don't wear them everyday...
---- simply saying that those clothes and accessories that weren't used for months, you could redesign them or deconstruct them and make them different...for those who weren't much born on the artistic side of things, there's always we call "friends" to help us out =)...we could also try it on our own, starting with simple designs...for beginners you can try searching in mags for patterns to follow...it will really save us in buying new items most of the time...
it is understandable for some to have difficulties in changing their lifestyles just to save...but in the long run, it will just be a "getting used to" for them...there are still a lot of ways, pretty sure about that, but for now, these will help somehow...there will always be better alternatives...at the end of the day, i will be thanking myself that at my age of 26, i was able to make little sacrifices for my "future" endeavors and comforts...it could have been earlier, but i know it ain't too late...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
anticipations ^_^
wuhooo...cant wait...but for now...there's one thing i'm certainly anticipating cause it's certainly gonna come...
PAYDAY tomorrow....hehe =)
Monday, October 13, 2008
what a friday...
Friday, October 10, 2008
7 things
so here it goes...
"i probably should mention the 7 things that i like...
the 7 things i like about u...
your eyes
your smile
your style
your dance moves
your wit
your good attitude
and the seventh thing i like the most that u do...
you make me like you"
whew...nasabi den^_^
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

but just a few days ago, i saw her in the latest ish of Marie Claire for October 2008 and out of her shell...

some of my officemates are still mesmerized...but she just simply transformed...but i could certainly say, it was a good one... -- embracing her age with style and working her way to still achieve things by the day -- one thing that i'll keep in mind was what she explained on the article -- "Madonna-whore" -- i'll keep that in mind
what a transformation ^_^
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
* empty spool of thread *
from just a few hours of doodling, a few discussions with our instructor, a few chats and laughs with my classmates, a few sewing and wiring...here's what i got...
* after -- brooch in pink ^_^ *
in fairness, not bad for a novice designer 'ayt???...hehe...well, more good to come, for now, i'm settled with this...
can't wait for next saturday^_^
Monday, October 6, 2008
how to walk in high heels...

Friday, October 3, 2008
archives before i dispose mah other blog ^_^
{October 2, 2008} one proud daughter ^_^
this very same day…54 years ago…the not so typical Libran was born…a “pasaway” day started…they say Librans are smart, level headed and quiet in nature…but she is street smart, normal level headed and gay in nature…^_^
named after the islands of the Philippines, she grew up working herself to draw crowd attention…i grew up differently from her cause she used to be the school’s muse while i was always on the sidelines as the school’s writer…
but growing up with her influenced me to be acquainted with fashion and socializing with other people, “at my own pace”…malls and tiangges have been her mecca; her clothes and shoes [more than 50 pairs as of today^_^] occupied most of our closet spaces…but at the end of the day, we get to use her stuff ^_^
she never asked for so much…she never expected so much from us, her kids…
i may not have been her perfect daughter and she may not have been my perfect mom…but it’s such joy to be a part of her, who came out from her womb…
to my one and only mother, Luzviminda Ayuman-Reyes…
Happy Birthday!!! thanks beyond words ‘nd cheers to your special day…

oops…that’s not with my dad ok?!…that’s the gracious alfred vargas with my mom at market market for an event sponsored by Nokia and Globe ^_^
luv ya mom…Happy Birthday again^_^
i’ve been reading a book i bought over the weekend, “How to Walk in High Heels” by Camilla Morton…and from browsing came across a familiar name, “Manolo Blahnik”…unfortunately, my knowledge in fashion ain’t enough…so i browsed through the net just hours ago…
a very popular Spanish shoe designer who specializes in stilettos ‘nd high-heeled shoes…ehem…no wonder i’m not conscious enough to have known him before…i’m always on flats…^_^
browsing on his designs, here are just some of them [for our viewing pleasure ^_^]
Blahnik has got so much designs and each one is artistically made…how i wish could even just have a pair of his creations…which i could buy either in HK, Sing or Korea…ok gud luck…ipon muna ng todo…hehe
at present…my eyes are extremely satisfied…so now back to the pages of the book^_^
[photos: courtesy of http://www.shoestyle.com/]
finally, after 6 years of cheering for them to be champions once again, it absolutely paid off…and through an archrival game…it is definitely worth the wait…
for one year, it is definitely a “BLUE & WHITE” year till the next championship…
too bad i wasn’t able to watch game#2 yesterday ’cause i was at work, i’m pretty sure it was exciting to see it live…but getting this morning’s paper with their pictures on it would be enough…
some of my friends wonder at times, why am i a big Ateneo Blue Eagles fan where as i graduated from an engineering school like Mapua???…the answer: regardless if they are rookies or veterans, they just attract fans to admire them playing & they play clean…some may not agree with me here, but by the looks of it, they do…i have been their ultimate fan since year 2001. it was still at the time when my ex and i used to fight with watching an Ateneo ball game over his Chi-novela / anime shows. and i could still absolutely remember, when they won 6 years ago over De La Salle in 2002…a few days later my grandma died…
i simply cant help having a connection with them…to the Ateneo community & Ateneo Blue Eagles fans…so whether you like it or not…it is OUR YEAR…

one big HURRAH!!!!…one BIG fight!!!!…congrats Ateneo - 2008 UAAP Men’s Basketball Champs…
**[photo: courtesy of Inquirer.net]
what’s it like to have a yaya [babysitter in english terms] around in every move???
what’s it like to take care of a spoiled brat???
put them together in a friday night on tv and you get…”ang spoiled”…
brainchild of the longest running gag show on a friday night from gma7…with two of the most possible to transform into females…
michael v as the ever battered yaya [who is such a loser...haha]
and ogie alcasid as the ever spoiled angeline…
dahil sa sobrang anticipation ko pag friday nights to watch this…ndi ko napigilang i-video to share with u guys…pls bare the laughs on the background [that was me...hehe]
just click on this link:::
ok guys…before u say finally i met my match…think again…hehe
i’m not much of a techie addict…so i am not completely aware of what’s in and phased out nowadays…
i just took a break of myself and headed to my destination…
yippeee…my first ever sony ericsson phone…yahoooo^_^
ps. kundi pa nasira ang cellphone ndi tlga bibili ng kapalit…wahaha…^_^
born july 1 makes me a part of the rainy season…but for some strange and ironic reasons that some people may not understand, i hate rain…
1. the need for coverups [e.g jackets] to be able to roam outside…
2. no excuses to leave your umbrella at home…added bulk in the bag…ugh -_-’
3. here in Manila, when it rains…it floods…there’s traffic…so where do u wanna go???
4. the need to heat up water in taking a bath…hayyzzz…
5. can’t have my fave frapp cause it’s cold…arrrgghh…[absolute annoyance na 'to...-_-]
6. prone to brownouts and hardknock cellphone signals…
7. getting caught in the rain would make me end up physically sick…
and above all…
8. the sight of a gloomy weather is something i simply can’t stand…
but it’s always been said a gazillion times that things happen for a reason…and that we have to see the positive things from anything that’s negative…
rainy days maybe absolute annoyance for me but it’s beneficial in more ways than one…farmers need rain for their crops…rain can be converted to the water that we keep drinking, out of technology of course…it provides opportunities for other people for instant money for sustainance…it still can be an opportunity to fashion with less skin exposure…
and of course, after the rain, the sun will still appear…i just have to wait for it…^_^
[photo with compliments c/o cuporobots.com^_^]
i only texted once…an unexpected announcement last Sunday…a call of confirmation yesterday…
and in two weeks time, to embark my very first trip out of the country…
no nega vibes…just positivity…
so where am i headin??? take a guess…comments are absolutely welcome^_^

and now there’s n.f.w…
ah ehem..it just simply tells you that i’m “Not Feeling Well”…i woke up this morning with a terrible headache, colds and a slight sore throat…of course, being the paranoid-with-illness that i am, i already drank medicines [which is leading me now to some typical "high" feeling...whoa*_*]
so speaking of getting high, we’ve been stuck in internet browsing minus the “friendster” stuff for days…this actually lead me to looking for other blogsites that suit my fancy…call me a “SUPER LATE” bloomer…but because of reading the latest ish of PREVIEW mag…i got to browse thru this blogsite
** blogsite of Cecile Zamora-Van Straten, a writer who blogs on almost anything. in fact, the latest that caught my attention was her comment / review on KC and Richard’s latest movie…satirical but informative and unique in my opinion…
another that caught my attention was bianca gonzalez’ blogsite —
http://superbianca.blogspot.com [the diary of a supergirl wannabe]
** what’s cool about her blogsite is letting the readers see her personal side — beneath the tv host and personality that she is…i can personally relate in a thing or two from her blogs and i must say she’s simple and true yet still “super”…
this blog searching and reading gave me avenues to discover other people of their true worth and thoughts…amazingly, i may NOT be FEELING WELL, but it got me blog hooked…
it has been said a thousand times…”all good things come to an end. starting over is the hardest part”…
but then again, some things don’t last, continuity will only occur if we embrace the end of something for a “new” beginning…
1. My months of sweat and grooves in the gym will have to end in 4 days from today. Well, surely, having enough exercise will have to be a normal routine. It’s just that my usual routines after office and Sundays will have to end. The Thursday hiphop class routines I used to have will be missed. From the usual three, it will only have to be Rayme and Rhea once again…
Another new beginning for the two, but stopping from gym routines would give way to start taking up a class that I’ve always wanted to pursue in years…I just hope it’ll work…
*with eyna and abie at starbucks - 6750*
*lunch with purchasing 1 dept @ shanghai bistro - paseo*
It may be the end of those usual good times together, but starting over of thinking thoughts and working on other matters that are needed the most. Another new beginning of focusing now on what are essential in the other aspects of my life…to stay or to leave???…
YOCASOCI leadership just ended with an election. My church services are put on hold for the meantime to start working on little steps towards my goals.
At my solitude, I get to discover the things I need, and more little things about me.
At my own solace, I hum at my own thoughts from a song (guess from what song is it^_^)…
“why do i keep running from the truth?…”
“you got me hypnotized, so mesmerized and i just got to know…”
“cause i try and try to walk away…”
but then again,,,i shouldn’t be swayed with too much emotions…in starting over…
calai @ 7:13 am [filed under Uncategorized No Comments »
{June 5, 2008} worth it
it’s been 4 days ago when all our hardwork and sleepless, worrisome nights ended…
am still recuperating to get ample enough of sleep, which i doubt i would only get by monday — due to the non-working holiday…yipeee!!
the extended hours at the church due to the paalay, badge-making, meetings, sermons for the “pasaway” moments of my members,
the long walks we had for solicitations, sponsors & follow-ups
the late night sleeps caused by the souvenir layouts, final church touch-ups
the early morning jitters for our sta. clara devotion & lola pitang’s breakfast talks during sundays
the cut-throat, mixed-up emotional and physical stresses
the yocasoci 2008 - presidenta experience was definitely worth it…
no wonder that day, june 1, 2008…i was definitely relieved and absolutely overwhelmed on how people appreciated the event…and no wonder, this was how we looked…

–> by the way, im the one in white (3rd from the right) <– and before i called it “exactly” a night,,,