Friday, August 28, 2009

defining a hero...

Back in the days, I used to learn that heroes are only those what we only see in History books and monuments because they are already dead. They could be considered heroes because they die to protect their country/territory from foreign invaders.

But what really defines a hero???

A quote goes "Heroes are not born, they are made." Well, true enough, God knows each one's fate already, but the person himself knows that he needs to work on sculpting his own life.

A hero...

doesn't have to be rich or famous to be one...
doesn't have to make a drastic change...Big things come from small beginnings...
doesn't have to die just to be considered one...While alive, the person can be recognized already and given the tribute he deserves...
doesn't have to be in war...Ammunition or weapons aren't necessary; Having the armors like good intentions, charity and peace can go places...

can be somebody or everybody...It can be your parents who work damn hard to provide you good education...It can be your teacher who provides you knowledge every single day...It can be a neighbor who extends his help for household repairs...It can be a church server who shares the goodness and words of God, making you realize how the Supreme Being is so essential...It can be an office mate you can rely on during your financial needs...It can be a friend who kept cheering and pacifying you to go on life and never lose hope and faith...

It can be YOU who would start loving their country by taking the initiative to vote...It can be YOU who would start making a change by joining groups with the advocacy to help their needy fellowmen...It can be YOU...

Again, heroes are not born, they are made...It's National Heroes' Day...Let's take pride and give gratitude to those who gave their lives just for our country's freedom...and to those who are still with us giving their very best to make the Philippines and the world a better place to live in...

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